Osei Rubie, founder of National Standard Abstract title-insurance firm, and the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBRO) presented a panel on “Joint-Venture Partnerships in Affordable, Supportive and Market Rate Housing” at the Bronx Museum on April 7. The discussion covered the success of joint-venture partnerships, best practices, experiences, trends and advice. The panel, moderated by Maurice Coleman, senior vice president at Bank of America, included Matthew Hall, partner at Goldstein Hall, Phillip Morrow, president & CEO of SoBRO, Jane Silverman executive director of Community Development Banking at Chase, Karen Sherman, principal of Sherman Law, Frederick Shack CEO of Urban Pathways, Radame Perez COO of Mastermind , Tori Lyon CEO of Jericho Project and Anthony Richardson Senior Vice President of Housing Development Corporation. Opening remarks were given by NYC Council Member Inez Dickens. Approximately 150 people attended including developers, real-estate attorneys, lenders and brokers.
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